FIT is a therapeutic hands-on method that aims to restore the balance of the body through the solicitation of the fascial and connective tissue systems.
About Us
Arnaud Fressin and Damien Dubouchet, both Physiotherapists and Osteopathic Practitioners will introduce you to FIT.
Course outline
FIT 2.5 day-course with instructors Arnaud Fressin and Damien Dubouchet, Osteopathic Practitioners and Physiotherapists.
We are happy to announce that we will be giving the course in Montréal (French) and in Vancouver (English) in the Spring 2023. Registrations open!
Send us an email with your contact and we will send you the registration form.
Want to become a FIT-practitioner?
Register for a course?
Need more information?
Get in touch with us?
Send us a message and we will answer you with all necessary details.